Don’t get overwhelmed with unpacking! Start with the items you use most. Lesser used items can wait a day or a week. Work together and try to concentrate on one room at a time. The kitchen is always a good…

Don’t get overwhelmed with unpacking! Start with the items you use most. Lesser used items can wait a day or a week. Work together and try to concentrate on one room at a time. The kitchen is always a good…
A well-stocked picnic type lunch can come in handy before, during, and after the move. Especially if the travel time is long and/or you are traveling with children. Don’t forget plenty of napkins, plastic utensils, paper plates, misc. snacks, and…
Plan ahead of time to make special arrangements for all pets including birds, fish, reptiles, and other caged animals. ** Also, make sure they are all accounted for on the day of the move so they are not in the…
Do some preliminary measurements of items you wish to move and where they will be going from both your old location and your new location. Tight stairwells, small doorways, and other difficult to maneuver areas can require items to be…